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Tricia Brennan

Growing up as a Sydney-sider, Tricia's early aspirations were to be an artist. With a love of all facets of the arts and design, she spent her early working life expressing her creativity in a multitude of areas including painting and interior design.

Developing an extraordinary eye for detail, it seemed a natural next step to then become a photographic stylist and art director in the film and advertising industries. Having worked for over twenty years in a visual medium involving cameras, she fostered a life-long love for photography.


Taking a detour from film to follow her soul’s calling, Tricia also became an internationally acclaimed author – adding her signature to five books on self-awareness and metaphysics. As a spiritual muse, her main objective has always been to inspire and uplift the hearts and minds of others through the magic of storytelling - creating pictures with words. 


As a photographic artist, Tricia aims to marry the two worlds of spirituality and the arts by capturing images that evoke the beauty and serenity of nature. 

Tricia Brennan

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